'To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance',
a brilliant and often quoted remark from Oscar Wilde.
The majority of us are under the illusion that we are not good enough, unlovable, not worthy of love and the list goes on...... Why? Most of the time it is due to our upbringing and the information we have gathered over time that we take on board as part of ourselves. Why is it that out of one hundred remarks where 88% are good, do we always remember all of the 12% negative remarks and cannot even remember the good ones?
Until we change how we feel about ourselves we will remain in the position we are in at the moment. If we think that we are worthless and unlovable we will attract just that into our lives. If we are fearful and insecure then we hide away from life and miss out on all of the wonderful opportunities that life has to offer.
So as from today I want each and everyone of you to change the way you think about yourself!!
To love yourself is not selfish it is imperative. At the end of the day you have to live with you for the rest of your life so make yourself someone you love living with and others will also feel this too. Do you want to spend your life with a misery or someone who sees the good in all?? Ok so from now on love yourself, be kind to yourself, look after yourself, your body, your mind and your spirit. Accept yourself, faults and all, for who you are and love that with all your heart. Say to yourself continually during the day - I love and accept myself for who I am unconditionally - the more you say it the more you will believe it and eventually what seems quite alien now will be a part of you and very natural in no time at all. Say it loud in front of the mirror, in your head while on the bus, train or wherever, just say it and say it over and over again.
Try this for the next week and notice the changes, subtle and succinct, that take place in you and how you feel about life, as the week continues.
Get back to me and let me know.
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12 years ago
Hi Jenu. I just started my own blog and I found a link to yours in the Help Forums. Very nice layout. Did you do most of it yourself? I'm just starting to figure out how to customize mine.
As for loving yourself I think it also starts with "clearing the cache" in your head. So often we have so much garbage in there that we need to renew our thinking process. Negative thoughts only have power over us if we allow them to. It's like when I was a kid and the school bully was making fun of me. One day I had a revelation and started making fun of myself. The kids thought this was hilarious and the bully no longer had any power over me.
The same is true of the negative thoughts; do not give them any attention and just like the school bully, they will go away.
Hi dcloud, great to hear from you, yes I did the layout myself, I must admit I have continually tweaked it over the past few months but now 'I think' I am happy with the layout. It is really much easier than you think with all of the guides you have with Blogger - look forward to seeing the end product soon.
Your story is very familiar and it happens to countless of children who unfortunately do not always have the sort of revelation that you did and they carry it on into adulthood almost like a cloud hanging above them.
Thanks for your comments, they are much appreciated
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