Tuesday, April 15, 2008


For several years now I have been reading information on what others have to say about the incredibly vast subject of Mind, Body and Spirit. I have read up on Nutrition, even done courses, Healthy Exercising, even participated in such like and Spiritual healing, am a trained healer. I have come to the conclusion that no matter how unimportant it seems, every tiny piece of information on these subjects helps someone out there. We are all so individual that what one person says might make no sense to us but another says the same thing in a different way and the penny drops! This is why there is so much information out there, it is saying things in different ways to reach many different people. There is also the point to take into consideration that each of us is on a different stage of our journey so we will need to see things from where we are right now. Right now I am very interested in, as I mentioned in my last post, the fact that so much is being written now on how we are responsible for changing our own world and the way we think will reflect our world. This is an incredibly simple concept but an incredibly difficult one to put into place for the majority of us. I think in today's society we want a quick fix to whatever is going on, be it at work, home or in our lives generally but if we want to change our way of thinking and change our world we need to take the time necessary. If we plant a seed we do not expect the plant to have grown within a day, it needs time and nurturing, so how come when we start some of these new ideas and exercises to change our way of thinking we expect it all to be sorted within a week. When you decide to go down a particular path on your journey that you feel is difficult, don't turn back, always give yourself time to walk to the end of the path, no matter how long it takes and throughout it all be positive and believe in yourself. So if you are ready to change, however small that change is, do it and move forward no matter how scary it seems. Change is good! Change is positive! Change can be in any area, the way you eat, the way you exercise, the way you think whatever and wherever the challenge is you can do it. The only one stopping you is YOU!!

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