If you want to succeed at anything you need to understand that you have the potential to reach your goals. You do, however, need to choose your direction wisely, there is no point in wanting to be a recording artist if you do not have any singing ability. If you love working with wood and have a real talent for producing excellent carpentry work then making furniture would be successful and you have the potential to learn and achieve success in this field.
Ok, everyone has failures or has make mistakes in the past but these are just stepping stones on your journey to where you need to go. Make your future decisions from the lessons learned in the past.
Remember to succeed you also need your dreams and aspirations, you need to be able to visualise where you want to be and what you want your life. Allow your mind to dream, think big and really feel the emotion you would feel if your dreams came true.
Now go forward and live the dream, paths will open up.
Apologies for the long break!!
Hi one and all, my apologies for the long break between blog posts. I have
been very, very busy here on the island. I have just finished a new
website fo...
14 years ago
1 comment:
Interesting thoughts but a bit difficult to do sometimes. Especially when those dreams seem to be for someone else. You have given me some food for thought. Will keep watching this space.
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