Before we can find our power we need to know what it is. Before we can begin this journey we need to know where it is. Before we can move forward we have to believe in the power within.
We are all very powerful beings blessed with the power that guides us and makes us who we are. We possess the power of thought and thought can change the way we live our lives.
We possess the power of our soul that is deep within our very being.
We possess the power of our inner self, our faith, our belief, our spirit.
We possess the power of will, our own willpower.
We possess the power of emotions, which can create our world.
So why do we often feel so powerless? Why do we not believe in our intuition? Why do we hear that inner voice and ignore it?
For the moment, in this world, we are behaving as we have been taught to behave. We accept what has been said to us over the years about who we are and what we can or cannot do.
Now it is time to reconnect with our soul, our inner self, our being, our spirit. Now it is time to listen to what we as individuals really want. Now it is time to create the world as we want to see it.
It has been said, in relation to the law of attraction that we need to think only about what we want, and never reflect on what we don't want. The universe reacts to the thing we are thinking about not whether we want it or not, so it will be created.
A very beautiful and knowing soul, Mother Teresa is known to have said that she would not come to a war rally, protesting about war but was more than happy to attend a peace rally. You see by concentrating our energy, our thoughts, our emotions on war and how we want to stop it we are in fact asking for more of the same. If, however, our energy, thoughts and emotions were concentrating solely on peace and, on mass, as a collective consciousness, imagine how powerful that would be.
So in order to start our own journey we must believe in our own power, in the power of our own thoughts and the effect they have on our emotions. Believe it or not emotions are a little like our own personal guidance system, they tell us when things are good or bad - there is no in between, either our thoughts make us feel good and the emotion rises and bursts out making us feel so good, or it sits deep within our soul and makes us feel secure, content and loved, or they give us that awful sinking feeling deep within the pit of our stomach and we feel anxious.
Your journey is about connecting with the powerful being you are and changing your world. The first step is connecting to your very soul, listening to your inner self and the knowledge you possess. Be aware of your emotions, control your emotions by your thoughts, lift your spirit by thinking of something beautiful, exciting, amazing, it doesn't matter what as long as it lifts you up and gives you that wonderful happy feeling again. Do not let the 'bad' emotions take control, you are in control. Know this, believe it and use it to create your life.
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