Saturday, May 17, 2008

Concious Living

It is very strange how we develop on our journey through life. I have just come across an article I wrote several years ago about Concious Living and on the whole I still think and feel the same way.

This is what I wrote then:

"What is Concious Living? - I have heard it for many years as I have gone further and further down the spiritual path. Unfortunately many people I meet are of a different mind to me. I truly believe conscious living is about being here on earth and living the life we were destined to live. That may mean experiencing some things that are unpleasant and painful but they are part of the learning curve of life – our reason for being here. We are here to learn lessons that we decided upon before we were born and there will be many people – soul mates – who have agreed to help us on our way.

No doubt on meeting certain people in our lives we have the feeling that we know them but push this aside as we know that here on earth we have never met them before. Remember the gut feelings – believe them – live with them consciously.

We are here to learn to live now – not in the past and not in the future. Why worry about what might be when the outcome is unknown. Why worry about the past – it is over and unchangeable. Living in the present is conscious living but it is also really living. Many people on the spiritual path forget they are here on earth to experience the many emotions that human beings are capable of and that means the anger, frustration, sorrow, envy as well as the joy, happiness, excitement and love that abounds on this earth."

What I have learned since is that everything I believed in then but did not voice is vitally important. You see what I believed then was that the emotions that we feel are the ones that guide us on our journey, that without emotions to guide us we were not really living. I had met many people, as I trained to be a healer, who professed to be very 'spiritual' but for me they were emotionless - it was almost as if they lived within their heads and had forgotten the importance of their physical being. When asked they even confessed to experiencing very little emotion - they were above it all. This is fine if you are living in a world of contentment which you have reached by experiencing the powerful emotions of love, joy, happiness, gratitude etc. but if you are denying emotions then this is not living - this is existing!! Food for thought I think!! Perhaps more on this later.

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